Studio Policy

"Stifling an urge to dance is bad for your health - it rusts your spirit and your hips. ~Adabella Radici"

Levels and Placement:

Our studio uses a system of levels to match students as closely as possible within each subject.  Students are placed based on age and years of experience as well as on size, skill level, coordination, musicality, concentration and maturity in accepting corrections. Therefore, each class can be paced to meet the needs of the majority of the dancers.  It is important for parents and students to understand that dance class levels are not the same as grade levels in school, and that students may not always change levels each year.  This does not mean that they have not made progress or that they are being "held back".  In fact, in most cases the entire class progresses as a unit.  Students dancing way above their level will be moved to the next, based on evaluations by their teachers.       


     Attendance is taken at each class.  Good attendance is imperative, as absences and tardiness can hold back the entire class and the studio cannot jeopardize its responsibilities to the rest of the class.  Please make every effort to have your child at every class.  If a student should miss a class due to illness or personal reasons, the student may make up the class in any comparable class.  Credits or refunds for missed classes will NOT be given.

     Tuition is divided in 10 installments due at the beginning of each month. Each year, students will receive 4 coupons for 4 free classes to be used at their leisure. Use your coupons early in the season to try classes that you may be considering in the future. These coupons MAY NOT be used towards monthly tuition and have NO monetary value. 

"Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing.
~James Brown "